613-969-8862 | 1-866-340-089 traceyld@viq.ca
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CRC Logo.jpg Canadian Red Cross More Information
canadian ski patrol.JPG Canadian Ski Patrol - Frontenac Zone More Information
  CANGRANDS National Kinship Support More Information
  Canine Comfort of Canada More Information
CARE Logo Large.jpg Care North Hastings More Information
  Career Edge Trenton More Information
  Caressant Care Nursing Home Marmora More Information
  Carrington Retirement Home More Information
Catherine's Kitchen.jpg Catherine's Kitchen More Information
customLogo (2).gif Catundra Day Care Centre Inc. More Information
CHSN logo_col_FNL.jpg Central Hastings Support Network Inc More Information
  Centre Hastings Parks and Recreation More Information
  Children's Mental Health Services (CMHS) More Information
Capture.PNG Children's Safety Village, Belleville More Information
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Email Logo.jpg City of Belleville Quinte Sports & Wellness Centre More Information
QW logo.jpg City of Quinte West More Information
HPE_Logo_EN_Colour.jpg CMHA Hastings Prince Edward Addictions and Mental Health Services More Information
CNIB%20Foundation_Logo_Horizontal_BIL_OntarioEast_y-bkgd.jpg CNIB Foundation More Information
COED LOGO.jpg COED More Information
  Community Advocacy & Legal Centre More Information
CCCH logo.JPG Community Care for Central Hastings More Information
CCSH logo .png Community Care for South Hastings Inc. More Information
CDC.jpg Community Development Council of Quinte More Information
cla logo 3.PNG Community Learning Alternatives More Information
CL Logo Belleville Col.jpg Community Living Belleville and Area More Information
CLCB_Logo2.jpg Community Living Campbellford/Brighton More Information
  Community Living Prince Edward More Information
  Community Living Quinte West More Information
  Community Partners For Success More Information
  Community Recreation Association CFB Trenton More Information
CVNQuinte LOGO 3.jpg Community Visions & Networking Quinte More Information
Screenshot 2022-08-24 101810.png Counselling Services of Belleville and District More Information
  County Kids of Steel Triathlon More Information
Capture county marathon.PNG County Marathon More Information
  County of Prince Edward More Information
  County of Prince Edward More Information
  Crown Ridge Place Long Term Care Home More Information
  Deseronto Helping Hands Food Bank More Information
  Deseronto Public Library More Information
Discover Belleville.jpg Discover Belleville More Information
  Eastminster United Church More Information
  Ecole secondaire Marc-Garneau More Information
  EcoMentors More Information
Empire e logo (002) (1).JPG Empire Theatre More Information
  Enrichment Centre More Information
PAH-Logo-ad.jpg Festival Players of Prince Edward County More Information
  First Adventure Child Development Centre More Information
FFL Logo.jpg Food for Learning - Learning Foundation More Information
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Volunteer & Information HPE
Century Place
199 Front Street, Suite 121
Belleville, ON K8N 5H5

Phone: 613-969-8862
Toll Free: 1-866-340-0899
Fax: 613-969-2826
Copyright Volunteer & Information HPE 2021 | Designed by Katie Lynne Creative.